Caps In The Air

Kylie Pavlovsky, Editor in chief

Graduation is a ticking time bomb. There is less than one week before the 2023 seniors walk across a stage and receive their diploma. With this information, for what certainly isn’t the first time in my life, my mind is racing. I can’t tell if I’m happy or sad or feeling a mix of both like salty fries in a sweet milkshake. What I do know is that I’ve procrastinated writing this… Big time. I think a part of me was hoping that if I pretended I didn’t have to do it, time would seemingly skip over graduation and everything would stay as it is. That is not the case, so here I am. 

All of these feelings are entirely normal. While I am here to validate every mental breakdown over our impending doom (or freedom), I’m also here to offer a pitch of advice. 

It’s OK to not be ready for what’s coming next, it’s OK if there’s no clear path or step-by-step instructions, and it’s OK to be totally ready to plow through these next few years. Where you are now is where billions have been before you and will be after you. In every end is another beginning just waiting to bloom. If you’re feeling any of this or even more (maybe less), know that there are others around you who understand. Various seniors are nervous for what’s next.

“I feel more sentimental than anything, knowing that I’ll never really be on that close of a level with any of my peers again,” senior Siara Romero said. “I’ve waited for this time for a while, but now that it’s here, it’s hard to cope with knowing that I won’t have the same people in this next chapter of my life.”

Although it may feel that the world will stop once you turn your tassel, it doesn’t. This fact isn’t meant to scare you. Whether it’s college or the military or work or an entirely different path, there is so much more out there that can appear terrifying. This part in your life is pivotal. It’s when you need to dial down and focus on yourself. Your mental health will always be the utmost priority, so you can balance what may be hard or simple. 

“I think it is important to focus on mental health around these times because it’s gonna be a really big change for a lot of us and that can definitely cause anxiety and take an overall toll on our mental health,” senior Aubrianna Kline said. 

Change is natural. Don’t be afraid. You are a gift of life. Let it rip you to shreds then tape you up again. Tie your bow as tight as you can and then rip it out. Give papercuts and hide surprises. You have the power to be anything you want to be. Exhaust every last bit of your knowledge then learn more and more until you fall. Then get back up and repeat. Do it for your friends and family you have known and have yet to meet. Do it for yourself. Remember everything, but be restrained by nothing. 

With all of that being said, here are some words from peers you may have met or will never know. 

“For all the graduating seniors, good luck and live your life. Yes, it’ll be hard, yes, there will be mistakes and dark times, but life is a bunch of ups and downs. College will be difficult at times, so will life, but take breaks and just step away from your stress for a bit, don’t give up. You got this!”


“Don’t let small obstacles keep you from achieving your goals.”


Have fun and make smart choices.”


“Don’t let life get you down, look forward and be optimistic for the future even if it’s a bit scary.”


“Make every second count, every mistake is a learning experience.”


Con(grats/dolences) on your graduation, Knights. You’ve earned it.